Sunday, November 27, 2005

Chop Chop Hurry Hurry Quick Quick Stop... for just a minute

Sunny Hi 76 Lo 54 for Baghdad, Iraq
Rainy Hi 60 Lo 54 for Northern KY, USA

Song of the week: Clocks, Coldplay

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, we are now into the the fast paced Christmas Season. How many of you went out Friday and faced the crowds? Not I said the cat... actually, I did quite a bit of shopping on line.... love it... Saturday, I spent the day with my niece... Monday is her mom's 40th, so we shopped all afternoon for just the right gift. Tonight we are all going to Montgomery Inn for dinner.

Take time during this Christmas season to enjoy it. At the bottom of this post are some of our favorite movies to watch this time of year. Michael and I will eventually watch all of them. Can you name them? Special prize for the person that names them all...

Michael and I need to start putting up our Christmas decorations... so this is it for today's post... Spend some time with these folks:

I guess I'm way behind, but I will go on the assumption that some of you may have not been familiar with this blogger or his story either. The blog - In the Red Zone, the blogger - Steven Vincent. I didn't put this together with the guy I read in National Review... He was murdered in Iraq. My intention is to read this blog in full. Maybe you will do the same...

Spiced Sass ---I'm not quite sure if this is 1 person with multiple personalities or 1 blog with 3 bloggers or some combination in between- Actually, I'm not sure if this is even the correct name for this blog... I DO know that I intend to read the archives- seems to me I have found another soul that is supportive our military... that gets my attention- an incredibly nice and well written blog. They were kind enough to link to my blog... and besides they are from Cincinnati! Who knew? Go Bengals!

Spend time with Phil at Camp Katrina. He has expanded the blog to share good news from Iraq. Besides he is a cutie. I know he is in Ohio....not sure if he is a native Ohioan...

Another cutie is Matt at Lag in Iraq. Matt is over in the "sandbox" so it will be interesting to watch and read and see how his blog develops. Someone to keep in our prayers.

Ellen over at The Reign of Ellen has been bringing a smile to my face for quite some time. Honestly, I forgot about her and in my search to look for blogs to bring a smile to my face... well... she is sunshine...

Lastly, if you haven't done so, please read my post from Friday... Final Thoughts from a Soldier in Mosul. This is a powerful letter expressing one soldier's opinion of the war.

OK... Name 'em!!