Sunday, January 07, 2007

Not quite ready...

Due to a 1400 mile road trip in less than 48 hours... the Sunday post will be a little late. Please check back a little later. Now, I need to get some shut eye...

Update: No.. not a 140 mile... but a 1-4-0-0 mile road trip... New York and back... I'll 'splain later.... now bed...

Update No2: It is about 7:30PM Eastern time... I have been working on my Sunday post for awhile and I am not satisfied with it. My intention is to share my weekend with readers- and I will... but I am not describing it properly. I need to start from scratch... Give me until Wednesday..... I have to complete my annual review for work... pain in the arse...

I have opened this post up for commenting if you wish.

Have a great Monday! Sunday post up by Wednesday.... promise.


seejanemom said...

A very good substitution, though! See you Wednesday!

Mike said...

It was a monumental effort, but worth it. I hope I was able to help with the hourly calls.

Cathy said...

You absolutely did help, honey.