Saturday, December 02, 2006

Tick tock chop chop...............

Does anyone really drink this stuff?

I'm busy--- have to get started on decorating the house, finish the Christmas cards, and finish the Christmas shopping list... I need to check in on Mom today... more on that later. I also need to get a nap... No time to think... I just need to turn on autopilot and go.

Now the RNC has called me asking for money looking to speak to my Scootertrash Conservative hubby... poor soul, he had no idea what he had just done... not one dime from this household... not until I am confident they won't throw me under a bus...

I think I have a topic for my Sunday post... although it may be too melancholy so I may end up trashing it...

Any suggestions for a music video? I need a point of inspiration--Something festive and not to my selections can limited.

Leave a comment or send me an email.

See ya Sunday Morning.... I'll bring the coffee.


J.M. Rob said...

For Thanksgiving my Mom, who knows I enjoy wine, brought a bottle of Arbor Mist Sangria Zinfandel with her. It's the thought that counts, I know, but that was some pretty disgusting stuff. I've had never had Boones Farm but I imagine it probably tastes the same. Yuck. But, hey, I didn't have to worry about using that pesky corkscrew thanks to the nifty plastic screwtop.

Hey, if you cannot find a festive song that floats your boat, how about a car-themed song for Jo. Maybe Gary Numan's Cars or something by The Cars?

Mike said...

I hear Boones Farm is making wine out of grapes now, whoda thunk it? How this for a name for a wine, Night Train Express. It's a real "wine"

Anonymous said...

Ah, many a trip I've made to Strawberry Hill--when I was young and po'. ;-) It's like a wine cooler without the fizz. LOL